Sunday, October 28, 2007

Losing inches -- feeling proud!

Went to the health club this morning for my nurse's assessment. We're members of RWJ health and wellness center -- the BEST health club in the world! I can have a free personal training session once every 12 weeks and a nurse's assessment.

In the past 12 weeks (since the last one), I've lost almost 14.25 inches on the neck, chest, waist, abs, hips, arms and thighs. How cool is that!!! I needed this boost because the numbers on the scale haven't been moving so fast, but those inches have been!

Yesterday I took my first spin class -- a beginner class -- and the instructor was so good about helping to set up the bikes and explain what the goal is in spinning -- to keep that heart rate pumping and burn some calories. You could tell he was very knowledgeable about what he was teaching and he was passionate about it. There's a 90 minute class tomorrow at 5:15 am (my normal exercise time UGHHHH) that I may just have to go visit.

Just another weapon in my arsenal in the war against fat!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

One of THOSE days!

I know I'm not the only one that has "those" kinds of days but it seems like there are times when that's all that's strung together to make a week. Family pressures pile up and sit in the back of your mind ready to spring forward if you have a quiet, peaceful moment or when riding the bike or exercising. Like if I'm doing something good for me and my body, the bad stuff I'm wanting to avoid just pushes it's way to the front of the line.

I know what my therapist would say "Just feel the emotions and be okay with them", but I don't want to feel pissy about my kids not doing laundry (or even getting it in the hamper) and I don't want to feel like I'm on eggshells with the husband. I guess that's a lot of where depression comes from ... not wanting to feel.

So, this morning, while I was riding in the dark, when those thoughts came up, I felt a little sad and angry and frustrated and wondered why things have to be so hard sometimes, but I rode anyway. I took it a little slower than normal, so that I was feeling my emotions and trying to be okay with them instead of trying desperately to outrun them. They were all waiting there back at home for me anyway.

And, one of the emotions I'm feeling right now is pride that I got out there and rode.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bucks County Covered Bridge Ride

Completed the 20 mile ride on Sunday and it was great! I was surprised how much of a mental challenge it was because of negative self-talk leading up to and during the ride. But I can't tell you how much of an athlete I felt like just completing the ride. The weather was perfect (cool but not too cold) and the leaves were gorgeous. I love that (in case you didn't get that from my other posts).
We rode on the highway for a long way -- with great, wide bike lanes -- and I opted for the bike path on the way back because I do a lot of that around home, anyway.

Here's a pic of me riding -- next time I will smile :) I look very serious but I tried to lighten up and just enjoy the ride, too ... after all, that was the whole point of being there!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Fall is in the air

What a beautiful weekend here in Jersey! The weather was WONDERFUL for the high school football game and a little fall baseball. Hubby and the boys went to a Phillies game after the football game Saturday and #1 daughter was busy preparing for the homecoming dance, so I had some guilt-free ride time coming! I rode for 17 miles along the D&R Canal and had a WONDERFUL time! The path is hard-packed dirt most of the way and even though there were a LOT of people out walking and/or riding, it was still a pretty fast-paced ride ... more than I thought I could ever do! It makes me feel better about the ride I've signed up for in two weeks ... the Buck's County Covered Bridge ride. There are 20 and 30 mile versions that are flat and the others are all over 30 miles and include hills -- so I'm sticking to the flatter version. The day of the race, I'll decide whether to do the 20 or 30 miles based on how I'm feeling (and how hard the wind is blowing, probably!)

The best thing about all the increased activity, riding and losing weight is how good I'm feeling! I am currently being treated for depression and my therapist and I talk a lot about how the exercise is even better than drugs to help me feel better. Since I've ramped up the exercise and controlled the eating, I've been able to reduce a couple of my meds and even drop two altogether. Now THAT's something to be happy about!

More later on how the ride shapes up!