Friday, September 21, 2007

Exciting week!

Two exciting things to report: First, I got the new bike and went on a ride I've been wanting to do for a long time -- along the D&R Canal close to my home in New Jersey. It's a beautiful ride, about 12 miles of nice hard-packed trail and was really fun to do in the quiet of the morning. The new bike is a dream -- it flies down the road and on the bike path and I'm LOVING it!

Also, great weight loss this week -- down over 2 pounds which put me over the 25 pound mark total. It felt so good to see a budge as I have been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds for a few weeks now. But, when I figured out my average, I've averaged 1.6 pounds a week since starting Weight Watchers, so I'm going to stop complaining!

I'm really starting to feel thinner and healthier and I FINALLY had 2 people at work ask me if I'm losing weight. That's a nice feeling after 25 pounds!!! :)

My next incremental goal is to be at the 160 mark by the Senior Honor football game. My daughter's band captain at her high school and at this game, they introduce each senior in football, cheer or band and they walk out on the field with their parents. I want to have a bright red, wrap dress that I feel really beautiful in! I'm going to start shopping now and keep trying it on to get that motivation going. I have about 6 weeks until the game, so if I maintain the 1.6 a week, I could hit it. Can't wait to find out!

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