Monday, May 19, 2008

Pictures from Bike to Work Day

OK -- so do I look like the ultimate Trek Woman Who Rides? Notice the Trek FX 2.5 bike (named "Red Scare"), the Women Who Ride jersey and hat? This was around the 17 mile mark at the Little League fields. Thankfully some of the parents are the kinds who remember their cameras and are willing to snap pictures for those of us who don't.

I'm ready to do it again!


Debra said...

Congrats on riding the bike to work!! It looks like alot of fun!!

Slenderella said...

Hi! How awesome you rode your bike to work. Getting in exercise and helping out the planet, whoo-hoo!

Felicia said...

Welcome to the HYC!

Best wishes to you!


Wee Little Me said...

Welcome to the HYC. Impressive weight loss progress pictures! Way to go and keep it up.