Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's over!

Well, the crappy week is officially over -- I weighed in, accepted my 2.6 pound weight gain (UGH) and hit the gym this morning more determined and ready for a new week. I have my food packed (based on a day I looked at from my first week on WW's when I lost a lot) and I got in 1 hour on the rowing machine this morning.

Thank God that every morning starts a new day!!! :)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Ginger, sorry to hear of your loss but if you earned it (ate it) then own it. I have all of my WW trackers labeled with the week number and the number of pounds lost or gained so that I can go back and repeat something too if I start to slide.
It is tough as we get farther into this because the newness wears off and as the losses slow we don't work as hard.
Now is the time to recomit youself to this. You can do it. I have faith in you.